Mar 9, 2006

Cease What?

We received this via email from a friendly lawyer this morning:

I read the blog and was curious about the threatening letter to Neil regarding "misstatements" made by a powerHouse representatives about the VRAHOS company and others apparently involved in the eviction and redevelopment of the property. I could not figure out from the blog or the letter to Neil what the alleged misstatements were. Did anybody tell you? Or is it a big secret in order to make the threatening correspondence more mysterious? It is too common for lawyers to gloss over the theory of wrongdoing and skip to the parade of horribles that will occur if the recipient of the lawyer's letter does not comply with his request.

Yup. VRAHOS and their minions are just rattling their (tiny, tiny) stick. Also today, many thanks to Gawker and their many stalkers for this post.

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