Apr 6, 2006

VRAHOS Writes Poorly, Thinks Our Gallery Was Beautiful

Hey! Who knew you had to approve comments to these crazy things called weblogs? Not us, certainly, not until today. We just approved a bunch from the past two months, and two in particular caught our eye, the first of which is below:

Honestly, you are acting as if you and your beautiful gallery were part of a historical landmark. This is NYC. Working here and living here is strictly business. The sooner you realize that the better chances your cultural entity will flourish. Honestly, if you didn't sound so childish, maybe your complaints would have sounded more justified and legit. This is not a Sci-fi movie of evil-doers and the poor little victims with dreams getting crushed.
Like I said, this is New York City.
Get with the flow of things which is business, Not personal, and you will be able to have more personal happiness and freedom.
Best of luck to you, and maybe this was a blessing in disguise... if you do your research, those evil-doers are actually some of the most charitable men in the city. For every one of your wah wah cries, there are 20 people thanking them on their knees for saving them from poverty and hunger. We are talking about charity that is NOT tax deductable. That's personal... This isn't. Stop making it as it is. If you are gonna cry at this, you will have to move to Philly or something. We are a the most generous city, but in order to be the greatest city in the world we don't have time to sprinkle sugar on our conduct. Get a grip.

...so the, cough cough, anonymous poster berates us (in any number of tenses) for not digging deep enough to find out The Steves donate to charity (For which the recipients apparently, how did they put it? Get "on their knees"? Real charitable, Steves. Glad you know where the poor belong...), think we should stop "making it as it is" (Is that anything like telling it as it is?), and (wait what?) wish us "best of luck." The only thing worse than the grammar above (apart from the rampant mis-capitalization, grossly improper articles, and intensely bad agreement), is the logic!

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