May 24, 2006

Great Moments in Extreme Irony vol 1

Whenever someone wants to comment on one of our posts, we get an email notification with the message and a "yes or no." Few might know this, but spam has grown past email, and has moved into the blogosphere. Spammers attempt to add comments like "Hey I found this cool site about Hoodia" or "C1AL1$$ Soft Tabs Melt Fat Away!!!!" Well today we received notice for this comment. In translation, it reads (excuse our poor French):

"We're often familiar with the domain of health. Nonisant is made without pesticides... Nonisant gives you the strength and vigor of savage fruits... For the cleanest and healthiest consumption, it's effective cold."

It's a comment on the first post about Great Moments in Spam. Metaspam has arrived.

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