May 21, 2007

Dumbolio recap: Kevin Devine is dreamy, experimental theater is weird

(above: Aldo Perez, below: Kevin Devine)

I was late to Saturday night's Dumbolio. Having gotten hopelessly lost on countless Jersey country roads, somehow, miraculously, I made it out of the Holland Tunnel, over the Manhattan Bridge, and into DUMBO. I parked the rental in the first space I could find and booked it to the Arena, as I was supposed to be filming the entire performance. Whoops.

When I arrived, Jonathan Ames was on stage discussing orgasms and hairbrushes. Then Aldo Perez and company performed some bizarre combination of mime and opera. It was a little too experimental theater for us, but it didn't matter though, because most of the attendees were there to see one person...and that was Kevin Devine. He was the jewel of the night, the belle of the ball. If you could have only seen those girls in the front two rows, their bright and shining faces. Ugh, it was heart breaking.


Anonymous said...

we also came and saw said show but have a very different take on it, although that guy Aldo Perez was hard to hear (sound was off I think) it was at least creative and different. As far as Kevin Devine goes the less than in-tune singer with the guitar, we thought that he represents what we like the least in our self indulgent and narcissistic present day, Maybe that was cool 50 years ago but we need something else to prevail.Great space though.Thanks.
(Ps we we're a couple of the girls who were sitting on the side, the look was boredom, but we were too polite to leave)

Anonymous said...

from the look of the pictures,I'd have to agree with the girls!! what the hell is going on with the chicken??